Do you treat patients with pain or muscle rehabilitation issues?

Health professionals

Become a SET partner and offer a complementary solution to your patients for pain management and muscle rehabilitation

Transform your patients’ care journey

Welcome to a world where pain management and rehabilitation take on a new dimension. At SET, we redefine the approach to electrotherapy by placing the patient at the heart of their healing journey. Our functional electrotherapy solutions offer healthcare professionals, like you, the opportunity to integrate a proven natural modality into your practice.

Why recommend functional electrotherapy?

  • Patient-centered approach: Our therapists, members of the Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebec, guide your patients in the use of our devices at home. Your patient learns to relieve discomfort or pain in an effective and safe manner.
  • Strategic partnerships: We form partnerships with medical and rehabilitation clinics such as yours to enrich your care offering with a natural modality and an innovative service.
  • Training and support: We offer training tailored to your needs to ensure optimal use of our electrotherapy solutions.

Ready to revolutionize pain management in your practice?

Reach out to us today to schedule a meeting with one of our representatives. Together, let's explore how functional electrotherapy can enhance your professional practice and provide your patients with a new path to wellness.

SET serving health professionals

Our commitment to healthcare professionals

We support healthcare professionals in optimizing pain treatment for patients by helping them make the right choices regarding the use of TENS to relieve their pain. We called this approach functional electrotherapy.

''TENS should be systematically considered in the decision-making process and in the development of care protocols to combat pain, particularly at home. Indeed, when applied correctly, it is safe and can be very effective in relieving pain to limit the need for riskier options, such as opioids.''

Jean-Louis Larochelle, pht, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assistant clinical professor

Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal

Source: Electrical stimulation serving the population in the fight against pain, Physio-Québec, 2017

Our process

Service électro thérapie

Your Clinic

  • Simplified recommendation process according to your objectives
  • Enhance your service offering
  • Collaboration based on best practices
  • Complement to the treatment plan in the clinic
  • Adherence to treatments
Service électro thérapie


  • File opening
  • Personalized call
  • Communication of the patient's choice
  • Sending the TENS device to your clinic or directly to your patient
Service électro thérapie

Your patient

  • Becomes an expert in his condition
  • Education and follow-up (one hour of therapeutic education and regular follow-ups)
  • Adaptation and evolution according to his condition
  • Access at all times to our ETF experts

More than 1,500 health professionals trained in functional electrotherapy

SET as a training partner in electrotherapy

  • Medical specialists: physiatrists, rheumatologists, anesthesiologists
  • General practitioners
  • Nurses
  • Rehabilitation workers: physiotherapists and occupational therapists
  • Professors and researchers
  • Physical rehabilitation therapists


Proud collaborator in continuing education serving the following organizations:


    Quebec Chronic Pain Association - AQDCFédération des physiotherapy clinics du Québec - FCPPQ


    Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebec - OPPQ Quebec Association of Physiotherapy - AQP
  • What is functional electrotherapy?

    Functional electrotherapy is a treatment modality that employs electrical currents to stimulate muscles and nerves, thereby aiding in pain management, muscle rehabilitation, and enhancing physical function. Our unique approach centers on the patient in their pain management journey, utilizing electrotherapy as a tool among a suite of solutions for their return to optimal function.

  • How does functional electrotherapy fit into a treatment plan?

    Functional electrotherapy can be incorporated as an effective supplement to traditional treatments in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, medical care, and even alongside medication. It is particularly beneficial for patients seeking a natural solution for pain management and to optimize the rehabilitation process.

  • Do healthcare professionals require specific training to use functional electrotherapy?

    While functional electrotherapy is grounded in robust scientific principles, we provide training sessions to ensure the effective and safe use of our devices. These training programs are tailored to various levels of expertise and aim to make professionals comfortable and proficient in applying this modality.

  • What are the key benefits of functional electrotherapy for patients?

    Benefits include effective pain management, enhanced muscle function, improved blood circulation, and expedited healing processes. These advantages contribute to an improved quality of life for patients and optimal recovery.

  • How can our clinic start a partnership with SET?

    To begin a partnership, simply reach out by clicking on this section or by calling us at 1 800 761-1183. A representative will discuss partnership opportunities with you, including training, support, and access to our functional electrotherapy equipment.

    Nous joindre
  • Are there case studies or research that support the effectiveness of functional electrotherapy?

    Absolutely. We have a resource library that includes case studies, clinical research, and testimonials highlighting the effectiveness and benefits of functional electrotherapy. These resources are available to our partners and can be explored in detail during our training sessions.

    Contact us
rééducation pelvienne
By Annie Bélanger 13 Mar, 2024
Face à la complexité et la diversité des troubles du plancher pelvien, affectant jusqu'à 47% des femmes globalement, la recherche de solutions efficaces est primordiale. Ces affections, souvent sous-diagnostiquées, ont un impact profond sur la qualité de vie, entravant le bien-être physique et mental, et peuvent mener à l'isolement social. Cet article explore des approches novatrices pour la rééducation pelvienne, en mettant un accent particulier sur l'application de l'électrothérapie à domicile. En intégrant des méthodes innovantes comme l'électrothérapie fonctionnelle, nous visons à améliorer l'accès aux soins et à offrir des stratégies personnalisées répondant aux besoins uniques de chaque femme, tout en soulignant l'importance d'une collaboration étroite entre les patientes et les professionnels de la santé pour optimiser les résultats de la rééducation pelvipérinéale.
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